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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 13:15:34 +0000

Post From: I was with AMp opened a gain account again! help

[2021-04-05 21:07:34]
User220914 - Posts: 239

I am not sure why i am so mixed up with all of the switches going on with denali and amp.

I have a dorman amp and gain account.

I am paying cme for data top of book for all 3 but really only need my SIERRA CHART DENALI FEED
for my custom symbols?

can you do this with GAIN or should i do cqg with amp.

I am still mixed up on what i am suppossed to be doing and i want to make sure that i am not
unnecessarily subscribing to anything.

thank you

i remember getting an email or support ticket about signing up for NEW ACCOUNT/live acct to satidfy the cme requirement and since
amp is no more. .i figured we could use my gain account?