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Date/Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 09:20:45 +0000

Post From: Ghost highs & lows on each new PnF bar chart

[2021-03-04 21:35:01]
Dan the Man - Posts: 92

I'll try to explain my setup.
The main focus is PnF charts.

I subscribe to Sierra Charts real time TSX data.
I need to use Weekly, Daily and PnF charts.

When I use time based charts like the weekly, Daily there is 5-10 years of data. (Good)

If I use hourly or PnF charts there is only ~ 4 months. (for short term PnF's (1-10 box size) that is OK but I also need to use longer term PnF's (1-60 box size)

I attached a screen shot that has a Daily chart that displays about 7 years of data using Historical Charts.

When using Hourly/minute and PnF charts there is no other choice but to use Intraday Charts. Only about ~ 4 months of data are displayed.

If I use Historical Charts for PnF charts, Sierra Charts will only display Daily bars not PnF bars.
So, that is the dilemma, I have to use Intraday Charts for the PnF's but there is no real data.

I have Data set to SC Data - All Services.

If there is no longer term Intraday Charts data, how can I use Historical Charts data using PnF charts?

Need help !

imageSierra Charts TSX Data March 4, 2021.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-03-04 21:31:12 UTC - Size: 1.58 MB - 225 views