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Date/Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 09:37:58 +0000

Post From: Changed from TT to CQG - stop placement and bracket orders help

[2021-03-04 21:12:29]
User13668 - Posts: 294
With CQG I understand the bracket order is all client side so if I place a limit order and then lose my connection and am subsequently filled I will have no stop loss in the market - is that correct?

From post #3.

Now I am confused.

I thought a simple OCO (attached order) was suported server side by CQG Web API? Ie I place a limit order to go long with attached child orders for a take profit and stop loss (with OCO).

I was relying on this part of the documentation: Attached Orders: Management of Attached Orders when Trading Service Supports Server Side OCO Only

I have followed the documentation and confirm that my Trade Activity Log under Order Action Source says my Take Profit and Stop Loss orders are being managed server side.