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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:40:31 +0000

Post From: Cross Trade, Cross Trading, and Order Management

[2021-01-30 10:13:49]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Off Topic

It just surprises us, how this is just so well-documented but yet goes unrecognized by some.

You have excellent documentation but people who are newcomers don't have a chance to find anything.

Many questions are constantly repeated here on the forum because if you do not know exactly how to enter a phrase in "search" (exact name) then it is difficult to find. A tooltip/bubble help or choosing auto-complete text would be very helpful for them.

I've been using Sierrachart for ten years, I know 90 percent of the topics or where to find them. For others, SC documentation is hardcore. This is written everywhere in discussions on FB, Twitter and discussion forums.