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Date/Time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:47:15 +0000

Post From: Installer error, I believe caused by security software

[2021-01-26 11:00:47]
Eisenhower - Posts: 30
Trying to download the latest version, I'm receiving the following error message from the Installer:

"Failed to open the file: C:\SierraChart\DownloadedInstallationFiles\SierraChartStudies_64.dll. Error: Windows error code 5: Access denied
Received file: SierraChart_64.exe
Error saving downloaded files to local system. Stopping intallation. Check log."

When I open Sierra Chart, the studies are now all missing.

I believe this problem is somehow being caused by my Bitdefender antivirus software. Earlier, I noticed this message: "Threat Blocked. Item was deleted. Threat name: Gen:Variant.Mikey.118436. Path: C:\SierraChart?SierraChartStudies_64.dll.", so I added the sierrachart url and my local folder to the Bitdefender exclusion list. The install error, however, persists.

Any help here would be very much appreciated.