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Date/Time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:45:05 +0000

Post From: Sierra Chart Futures Order Routing Service with Data

[2021-01-24 17:48:59]
User414533 - Posts: 106
1) I changed service settings to "SC Futures Order/Data [trading]". Since the documentation states that Server 2 (Aurora) is the lowest latency, I made that my primary. Is that okay? So I have Primary = Server 2, Backup 1 = Server 1, and Backup 2 = Server 4.

2) When I switched to SC Futures Order Routing, my history was reloaded and now I have no historical market depth. Does this service have its own set of history files? Is there a way to combine "SC All Data" history with the "SC Futures Order Routing" history? If the history files must remain separate and I need to continue to use market replay w/ the historical market depth saved under my "SC All Data" service, How can I do that while recording on the new "SC Futures Order/Data" service to ease the transition?

Thanks in advance!