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Date/Time: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:16:20 +0000

Post From: CQG NQ data doesn't seem correct

[2021-01-09 06:21:41]
User921987 - Posts: 238
I read all the documents and think I have a quite good picture what is going on.

Now I have few questions about Sierra Chart Order Routing as follows,

In your web page you say:
"For some clearing firms/brokers, Sierra Chart has an arrangement with them for the order fill fees to be billed directly to your trading account. So in those cases, the order fill fees are not billed directly to your Sierra Chart account but instead they are billed to the clearing firm which then bills them to your trading account."

Is this supported with AMP Futures ?

You also say:
"We will also be setting up on our London, Germany servers, optional order forwarding to the Aurora data center for the lowest latency server managed orders"

What is a status of this feature and if not implemented yet any plans when ?