Support Board
Date/Time: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 00:16:48 +0000
Post From: SC/Denali questions
[2020-12-29 17:37:09] |
User790381 - Posts: 9 |
I have some questions. Say I have 4 funded brokerages accounts. We will call the #1 #2 #3 and #4 which is AMP. #1 clears thru transact #2 clears thru dorman #3 clears through Gain #4 (AMP) told me they clear thru GH financials AMP gives sierra chart package 3 free. But..... Lets say instead I open a direct account with Sierra and opt for package 5, the denali data feed, and the TT routing. 1) can I swap back and forth between the 4 brokerages using the same instance of sierra 5 or do I have to open a separate instance for each of the 4 brokerages and configure sierra forces each one? 2) will I have to pay for Denali, sierra, TT 4 times each month? 3) what about the exchange fees and TT fees for just CME? Are they paid 4 times or just once per month and to WHOM are they paid sierra or each brokerage?I think they are around 12 dollars month for just CME and TT I want to use just sierra chart as my platform instead of a different platform for each brokerage. But are the each and all the fees gonna be cuadrupled? Thanks! |