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Date/Time: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 14:53:03 +0000

Post From: Oanda dtc Profit/Loss (C) issue

[2020-12-29 01:01:40]
onnb - Posts: 662
This is related to an Oanda dtc server we are working on

In the trade activity log, when I look at forex trades, the pnl is not coming out as I expect.
Aside from the pnl, everything looks fine: the entry price and date, the exit price and date, service order id's and quantities are perfect.

The issue I am having is with the Profit/Loss (C) column. I have P/L Format set to Currency Value.
The value is not what I expect it to be (like way way off). Maybe its a configuration I am missing?

I can send more details and specific numbers if you need.