Support Board
Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 17:32:30 +0000
Post From: Data from 2011-03-02 to 2019-09-11 missing when trying to load intraday 1-min OHLCV data
[2020-12-10 13:03:08] |
gambleditall - Posts: 16 |
@Sierra Chart Engineering I would like to ask a follow up. When I try to download data for more than 10 years for ES-mini futures, I get the following message: "ESZ20_FUT_CME[C][M] 1 min #1|Limiting the number of years to download data for to 10 years for the continuous futures chart. Reason: 10 years maximum for Intraday charts." Is there a way to download more than 10 years data? I actually do not need to see it on the chart, I am trying to export it to a text file and use it for backtesting. EDIT: I was able to solve this by setting a date range for the chart to get data past 10 years but the limitation does apply that you can only load up 10 years worth of data at 1 time and for ES mini you can only get data starting 2008-05-04. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-12-10 13:07:53