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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 02:41:43 +0000

Post From: Market Depth Historical Graph

[2020-11-07 21:11:05]
nosast - Posts: 312
John, I doublechecked my settings in MDH. I already have set "Use Last Quantity instead of Max Quantity for Bars" to Yes. So this seems to be not related. Any other idea why MDH liquidity lags updates in DOM?

I have the DOM set to 50ms update interval and MDH to 250ms so for sure there is a lag by design but it often really takes way longer than 250ms to update. Somehow depth updates are slower than price updates in the same MDH chart. If I use the Chart DOM at the right side of the MDH chart, this is also updating quicker than liquidity in the chart in these special occurrences.

Both use the same Denali feed and the information should come to my PC at the exact same time. Or is there a difference between update intervals of price and depth?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-11-07 21:18:37