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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:34:25 +0000

Post From: Cost of SC's Denali Exchange Data Feed Charge vs. Exchange Fee.

[2020-11-02 17:05:42]
Yoda - Posts: 106
Dear SC support,

Currently SC's Denali Exchange Data Feed is $25/m (discounted to $20/m if one uses SC's Order Routing service). Depending on the exchange data that one purchases, this adds a significant charge relative to the exchange fee.

For example, if one subscribes to the full CME group without market depth, the exchange fee is only $3.25/m. However, we then have to add the $25/m charge from SC (an extra 7.7x). Alternatively, if one wants CME with market depth, the exchange fee is only $10.40/m, but the SC charge is an extra 2.4x.

I understand that SC is a business and needs to make money. But the SC charge appears very high for those that would like to purchase the lower cost data feeds. I know it's a long shot, but I thought I would ask you to please consider adjusting the fee relating to these feeds.