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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:11:39 +0000

Post From: Custom symbols/spread/pairs question

[2020-10-01 15:26:24]
User220914 - Posts: 239
I agree there is no way to "KNOW" what the volume is on a custom symbol however if
i made a chart of say CLz20 and CLZ21

CLZ20+CLZ21 i do get a volume associated with this custom symbol so i am wondering how this volume is figured
and can i get a the volume of those 2 symbols just added together for my time period.

I am tryign to understand how I can do a constant volume chart on custom symbols but i have no idea
what your system is using to build these bars and data. it gets even more complicated say
if i was to do something like this 2*{CLZ20}+3*{clZ21} because i still just want
the original clz20 and clz21 volume because we cannot create fake volume.

Does sierra use the multiplier on the underlying (outright) symbols volume?

how would i get sierra to chart actual volumes for the underlying always in an absolute value so they are
always positive since volumes are real not relative.

the next question would be if i did a constant volume chart for my pair which volume would it be referencing to make the bars and
can it be just 1 side or both?

thank you and i think a quick explanation of how sierra chart is building or matching these pairs or custom symbols might help me with what i want.
even if my custom symbols shows 5000 in price the volume of the underlying does not change no matter what my custom symbol is yet when i chart
a custom symbol in sierra chart the volumes are not doing this?

thank you