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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 05:23:43 +0000

Post From: barstudydata.csv history length

[2020-09-29 23:40:47]
User339214 - Posts: 22
I am generating a csv file (eg A6Z20-BarStudyData.csv) and have set the option 'use number of days to load' in the main chart settings.

What I see is that when sierra chart first starts up and the chart is opened, the csv file is created with the number of days of history I have specified. The file then grows as new records are added as they arrive. What I am wanting is this file to contain a rolling 'x' number of days so it doesn't get too big. If I delete the csv file while sierra chart is still running, I see a new file is re-created immediately, but it has no header row and just continues writing records from where it left off. The only way I can see to achieve what I want is to shut down sierra chart and start again.

I don't want to have to shut down sierra chart every day. Is there a way to get sierra chart to populate the csv with the number of days required if the file doesn't exist (ie I have deleted it with an external program while the exchange is closed) but without having to restart sierra chart?

The 2nd question...

I have selected 'continuous futures contract - volume based rollover, back adjusted' in the chart advanced settings. What will happen to the barstudydata.csv file when the contract rolls over? Will the name of the file change to the forward contract and that one back fill 'x' days? Will the previous file still exist? What happens if the volume 'bounces' between 2 contracts for a few days? Does it just continue with the most recent contract or go back to the previous contract and write to the old csv file?

Thanks in advance