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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 01:40:42 +0000

Post From: Send Attached Orders Not Working

[2020-09-22 04:14:15]
User848713 - Posts: 16
Thank you. So attached orders are enabled and it does list AO=1.

In looking at the order activity, it seems as though the attached orders are cancelled before the trade entry is actually filled (example below). I am using the “Cancel Unfilled Order After N Bars” example formula as referenced here:

Spreadsheet Example Formulas and Usage: Cancel an Unfilled Order After n Bars

I’m using:
Cell P3: =IF(K3, 1, P4 + 1)
Cell Q3: =IF (M3, 1, Q4 + 1)
Cell J27: =OR(AND(P4 >= H4 + 1, J4
> 0), AND(Q4 >= H4 + 1, J4 < 0))
Cell H4: = 3

Note: this is on a 10 second chart.

From the log, a sell entry is triggered (where AO=1), then cancel working orders is initiated based off of cell J27 less than 1 second later, then I am filled on my limit sell entry but no attached orders are present because they were already cancelled. All of this happens in fractions of a second.

Specific example:
Sell signal at 06:22:30:980
Attached/working orders canceled are 06:22:31:350
Filled on short entry at 6:22:31:370 without attached orders because they were already cancelled

Any ideas how to fix this? This does not happen on every trade, but intermittently.

Secondly, is J27 meant to cancel working orders that we’re attached to a filled order or all working orders?