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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 18:08:07 +0000

Post From: How to replace AreRenkoBars() ?

[2020-09-03 19:47:36]
gomifromparis - Posts: 244
It seems the implementation does not really solve the issue, the IBPT constants are hard wired in the scstructures.h header

  int AreRenkoBars()
    return IntradayChartBarPeriodType == IBPT_RENKO_IN_TICKS
      || IntradayChartBarPeriodType == IBPT_FLEX_RENKO_IN_TICKS
      || IntradayChartBarPeriodType == IBPT_FLEX_RENKO_IN_TICKS_INVERSE_SETTINGS
      || IntradayChartBarPeriodType == IBPT_ALIGNED_RENKO;

So if one day you add a Renko, this code won't work and I will have to recompile.

Previous versions used

  int AreRenkoBars()
    if (RenkoTicksPerBar != 0)
      return 1;

    return 0;

So as long as RenkoTicksPerBar > 0 it would work, and you could add new Renko bars, and it would still work.

My actual need is to know if I need to test the data held in SC_RENKO_OPEN and SC_RENKO_CLOSE to be able to compute the actual High and Low of the candles

Would it be possible to get something like : AreRenkoChartBarArrayAllocated()
