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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 01:20:40 +0000

Post From: Time And Sales Bid Size / Ask Size Studies Not Working

[2020-08-11 11:10:33]
User336770 - Posts: 30
To Sierra Chart Engineering:

Just wanted you guys to confirm if you are going to add the "combine records" options to time and sales volume study (since you are gonna fix the time and sales bid / ask size study). This would help a lot, this option should be there anyways. What I have done was to load a time and sales volume study, then I add the subgraph summation periodic study to sum the bid, and other the ask, and I play with the period, this way instead of the values "run away and disappear" (like in the time and sales volume study), I can sort of keep them in the bar they happen. If you add the combine records options from the time and sales window to the study, then the readings would be better.

Also, the color options in global graphic settings for the time and sales regarding "trades above ask and below bid" are kind of useless, in a way they won´t tell you anything. Sierra Chart Engineering should invert that, so we can choose the color of the "trades below ask and above bid" and "trades above bid and below ask", this would show the trades that happened inside the spread, when there is one. This shows hidden buying/selling. "Above Ask" and "Below Bid" can even be removed from the options as they serve no purpose.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-08-12 21:24:32