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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 20:43:43 +0000

Post From: How to be billed on AMP as much as possible and Order Routing Request Form

[2020-07-21 16:24:36]
User893396 - Posts: 40

I am trying to setup my newly funded AMP account to use with Sierra Chart Denali and Sierra Chart Order Routing Service.

I would like to be billed (Commissions, Clearing, Exchange, NFA, routing fees, platform fees, exchange fees, data feed fees...) as much as possible directly on AMP.

Hence, I have followed the instructions provided at


and I chose the Option 1.

On that page, there is apparently no need to fill out the 'Sierra Chart Order Routing Service Trading Account Assignment Request Form' if you prefer to be billed directly by AMP (Option 1). But on the 'Sierra Chart Futures Order Routing Service With Data' page the step 3 of the Setup Instructions requires that you fill it out.

So I don't know whether or not I should fill the form out (my account has already been authorized for tt_order_routing.dtc.trading).

Also, amongst

- Commissions, Clearing, Exchange, NFA
- Sierra Chart Routing Service fee
- Trade route fees per contract
- Platform fees
- Denali data feed fees (with CME Bundle)
- Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed (for CFE and EUREX)

which ones in the end will I be able to pay directly on AMP with my trading account and which one I must pay on SC.

Last question, If I do have to fill out the 'Sierra Chart Order Routing Service Trading Account Assignment Request Form', which location should I select, the location I am trading from or my regular registered address (they are different, as I am curently abroad for probably a long period of time) ?

Thank you for your help.