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Date/Time: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 05:09:33 +0000

Post From: Live Data Feed on Sierra charts without Trading Account.

[2020-07-16 13:49:03]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38172
There are two options available to you. The first is to simply pay the Professional Exchange fees. If you are mainly going to be trading the ES and other E-Mini's, then the exchange that you can use is the "CME E-mini, For professionals and users without a trading account", which contains the Globex exchange. That exchange costs $62.40 USD per month (it used to be $42.00 but went up with a change from the CME a few months ago). You will find the list of symbols that are available with that exchange option here:

If you did that, then your data costs would be the following (in USD per month):
- Denali Exchange Data Feed: $25.00
- CME E-Mini Exchange: $62.40
Total: $87.40 USD per month

Also refer to the information here on the Denali Exchange Data Feed for more information:
Denali Exchange Data Feed


The other option, if it is available in your country, is to create an account with AMP that will use the Sierra Chart Order Routing with TT as the trading account. You just need to fund it with an initial payment of $200 which will stay in the account as long as you need to use it. This would allow you to qualify for the lower-priced CME Exchange Fees, in which case you could get the Globex and CME exchanges with Market Depth for $10.40 USD per month. You will find more information on this service here:
Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement

If you do this, then your monthly fees would be the following:
- - Denali Exchange Data Feed: $25.00
- CME E-Mini Exchange: $10.40
Total: $35.40 USD per month
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing