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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 15:14:45 +0000

Post From: Trading System: Study Sub-Graph Crossover and OCO Attached Orders

[2020-07-09 20:21:10]
ondafringe - Posts: 298
Partially solved...

Under the File menu, when you open Trading DOM for chart, it also opens a Trade Window that is attached to the chart DOM. You would think that was also the Trade Window for the chart, but think again.

There is another selection under the Trade menu to open Trade Window for chart. That opens a new Trade Window, separate from the DOM Trade Window, and this new Trade Window is the real Trade Window for the chart. Apparently, the Trade Window attached to the DOM, which is the DOM for the chart, is the Trade Window for the DOM only and is completely ignored when using the Trade System study.

Once I opened the Trade Window for the chart, upon a crossover, the correct trade was placed for 2 contracts and the attached orders were also placed correctly. That real Trade Window for chart must remain open at all times for the Trades System to function. So now I think I'm home free, but no such luck.

Once in a position, upon the next crossover, even though I have Reverse on Crossover selected in the Study setting and have 20 set for Max Position, nothing happens, there is no reversal.

Now if I can just get the non-reversal problem solved...

@Brad Your suggestion on Max Position was correct. Thanks!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-07-09 20:40:18