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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 05:02:05 +0000

Post From: Automated Trading and Backtesting

[2020-06-22 09:39:49]
Eric - Posts: 21
Hi, I just started using Sierra Chart not too long ago. Please don't mind I'm getting help on following issues as I found it difficult to dig out exactly what I want from the past posts.

I am working on spreadsheet for trading and I've successfully set up the "buy entry", "buy exit", "sell entry" and "sell exit" rules. The "buy" and "sell" arrows are displayed correctly on the chart. However, when I look further to the "trade activities", (please see images attached) the trades don't match the buy/sell signals. On Image1, I should enter a short position around 9:15 but in "trade activity" my first trade is a buy at 10:03 (which is my second trade on Image1). It just skipped the first trade. Image2, is continuation and around 14:00, I should get a sell signal but it skipped again. I suppose with the long position I'm in, I already have a "buy exit" setup in excel which is Last Price > VWAP Band and should have got me out of the trade already. So the problem I'm having is that the "buy exit" condition does not get me out of the position and some of the buy/sell signals were completely skipped.

Furthermore, I have other questions relating to automated trading
1. How to place Stop buy order? I notice at J71 there's M,L,S etc. but how do I use it if I want to specify to Buy Stop at (Low of this bar + 30 points)?
2. I've read the Attached Order function and got basic understanding of it. For my system, all I need is a general stop loss and trailing stop. But at the same time, I would like to use my condition in "buy exit" to take loss or take profit. How do I use both at the same time? Or are they mutually exclusive? If I use Attached order, I must stick with the set of profit target, Stop loss, Trailing Stop etc.?
3. I would like to enter 4 contracts at once and exit each by different targets. How can I do that?

Really appreciate it if you can answer my questions. I've been stuck for a few days and I would like to move on asap. Thanks
image1.jpg / V - Attached On 2020-06-22 09:37:59 UTC - Size: 414.06 KB - 347 views
image2.jpg / V - Attached On 2020-06-22 09:38:04 UTC - Size: 246.02 KB - 248 views