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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 03:12:27 +0000

Post From: server side orders and margin requirements

[2020-06-19 20:18:00]
User606491 - Posts: 164
I'm using a semi-automated system - I either use the Chart Trade Window or manually enter the stops and targets into the SC spreadsheet.

Based on the link:

When Trade -> General Trade Settings -> Use Server Side OCO Orders is CHECKED: the activation of the parent order triggers the submission of ALL child orders to the exchange (in most cases). At which point, my margin requirement will increase based on the submission of ALL additional child orders.

When Use Server Side OCO Orders is UNCHECKED: my orders are held locally until activation, in which case my margin will only change based on the orders that are activated. So, relatively, my margin would be lower.

Is my understanding correct? Is there an intermediate method whereby SC can hold my orders off the exchange until activation and yet not store my orders locally? Effectively reducing my margin requirement while also reducing the risk of locally holding orders.
