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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:48:47 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet System - Capture a value for later use?

[2020-06-19 03:41:52]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
OK I think I figured out what's going on. For anyone else who runs into this, here's the deal:

If you use a TWConfig to specify a target & stop, but then also specify a target (but NOT a stop) in your spreadsheet, your stop will suddenly vanish from the TWConfig and there is no way to bring it back without manually reloading the saved setting file.

BUT if your spreadsheet has BOTH a stop AND a target in it, then the existing stop and target are modified but not deleted. This means you can keep a BE Trigger Trail Stop in effect for instance, but under certain conditions adjust the target only (like in my case, I have a "strong signal" and a "weak signal" and the weak signal has a much tighter target than the strong signal, but both use the same stop logic).

Just don't leave one of the two field s(stop or target) blank in your spreadsheet, or the blank one will disappear from your Trade Window.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-19 03:41:59