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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:20:25 +0000

Post From: Multi Monitor- Multi Time Frame Support

[2020-06-17 18:12:15]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 309
I use AutoHotKey to be able to switch to various window/chart combinations. Here is part of my AHK script that moves some charts to the forefront. I would think you could have all of the window/charts detached. and then using various hotkey combinations, you can bring one or multiples of them to the front as you want. This would eliminate your concern about load time as you switch timeframes. You can reach out to me on Skype if you would like. John_at_IBM

So basically I move mouse to the bottom taskbar, simulate a mouse click on my app, then move the mouse to the screen position that has the window I want to be on top and then click again.

hope this makes sense.

; Win=# + Alt=! + s = brings 7 SierraChart chart windows to the front for ES Daily use. All except Daily.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

; Move 1st chart
x := 388
y := 1062
Click %x% %y%
MouseMove, 0, -157, 7, R
x := 231
y := 1000
Click %x% %y%

; Move 2nd chart
x := 388
y := 1062
Click %x% %y%
MouseMove, 0, -62, 7, R
MouseMove, -45, 0 , 7, R
x := 339
y := 1000
Click %x% %y%

; Move 3rd chart
x := 388
y := 1062
Click %x% %y%
MouseMove, 0, -62, 7, R
MouseMove, 77, 0 , 7, R
x := 465
y := 1000
Click %x% %y%
