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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 22:33:03 +0000

Post From: Urgent!!! Problem receiving real-time rithmic data from open US markets. How to remedy thi

[2020-06-11 16:33:02]
User349785 - Posts: 15

In the morning, I get my Market data in real time. But, at 3:30 p.m. in the open US markets, I am not receiving the Market stream from Rithmic in real time. My graphics very often late.

I noticed that the opening of the next candle is not done with the clock (timing) on ​​the software screen, but is delayed from 2 to 35 seconds.

Often the delay (opening of the next 2min candle) is so huge 20 to 35s that I am forced to click on the DISCONNECT button and then click on CONNECT to force SIERRA CHART to update my graph.

I tried the old versions of SIERRA CHART. But it's always the same.

I thought it was an internet connection problem. To do this, I switched from a 4G mobile internet service provider 10Mbps to another internet service fiber optics provider using 30 Mbps. But the problem persists.

Since last week, I only use a chartbook including 3 charts (MESM0-MNQM0 and MYMM0) on a time unit of 1H and only one DOM.

I also encounter daily difficulties updating my charts. When updating my different this error message is displayed:

« Download failed. Error downloading historical intraday data for NQM0-CME. Historical data request rejected because there is currently another historical data request active. »

I don't know what other active historical data request SIERRA CHART is talking about to the point of rejecting all of my update requests each time.

Due to this delay, I cannot take a position from OPEN US. I cannot work properly and take advantage of the great opportunities that the market offers to traders.

Please help me resolve this issue which is preventing my charts from being updated.

Can you help me receive my rithmic data in real time when open to US markets.

How to remedy this situation?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-11 16:47:10
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