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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:39:37 +0000

Post From: issue ticksYM 1 min chart

[2014-01-18 19:54:29]
Buddy - Posts: 12
I am very sorry to hear that, I am using Sierra Charts for years now and those tick charts also quite some time, at least a year.

As I use them in a way I worked on for months I don't have the time and the intention to do that again on Sierra Charts statistics provided it is possible to do that.
I looked at it and it seems to difficult for me due to language stuff, I am a Dutchman.

Are you maybe suggesting I should ask Interactive Brokers to look into it?

Suppose their statistics did not change at the issue of the latest review of TWS I am using.
Statistics are simply data and when the chart changes in a new release the cause is probably to find there.