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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 05:02:14 +0000

Post From: ZigZag Oscillator

[2020-05-19 18:44:54]
User929084 - Posts: 60
Thank you Ackin. And I'm sorry for no response. But I figured it out how to accomplish that with sierra zigzag study.

For anyone that finds this thread later.

1. The most important thing you have to do in "Settings and Inputs" is to enable "Additional Output for Spreasheets" to "Yes". That will give you more subgraphs in "Subgraphs" section.

2. Now for "Zig Zag Line Length" select draw style to "Custom Value at Y". Additionally you can put 1 or 2 in "Displacement" so the numbers won't be right on top of the bars.

3. And of course for "Zig Zag Oscillator" select "Bar".

3. Make sure everything except "Zig Zag Line Length" and "Zig Zag Oscillator" is set to "Ignore".

Thank you.
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