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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:53:20 +0000

Post From: moving avergae on a study

[2020-05-12 14:51:59]
coachted - Posts: 347
i am looking to add a row in the numbers bars calculated values that would show the difference between the average volume per period (variable periods - meaning i can set the period) and the actual volume for that individual period (14:30)....so for example using the written arrow on the attahced picture i would like to see the volume of 50111 for the period and the see average volume for a the last X periods of the chart (what ever that average is)...in addition I would like to see the actual differecne and the % difference of that as well...I'd like to color code less than the average and also greater than the average...

So I assume I need to add 2 rows in the numbers bar calculated values...

In addition I would like to have the option to plot the % difference on the actual numbers bar chart in multiple ways....

1. just like imbalance....when the volume is greater or less than by x% plot it as an arrow (contolled by variable I can set)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-05-12 16:43:32
imagevolume question.JPG / V - Attached On 2020-05-12 14:51:19 UTC - Size: 407.14 KB - 235 views