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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 23:21:09 +0000

Post From: High CPU usage: Clock - RealTime

[2020-05-11 05:03:15]
User629461 - Posts: 184
I'm having problems with high CPU usage using the study 'Clock - RealTime'. Through trial and error I have narrowed down 3 charts in a particular chartbook that cause CPU for SierraChart to rise to +35% and when deleted it drops down to ~2%. However when the same study is on any other chart in the same chartbok, CPU remains unffected at ~2%. All charts have been trimmed of excess drawings and loaded historical data to a minimum. Studies use are very basic (volume, zig-zag vol, couple of mov. avg). Not sure what the issue is. Can you assist please. My machine runs at +50% CPU all day due to this. Thanks.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-05-11 05:05:02