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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:10:57 +0000

Post From: Charts will not load with data until I use [edit - translate symbols to current] feature

[2020-05-09 02:24:00]
Japhro - Posts: 120
After using the feed for a couple of days and many startups, what appears to be happening is that it is loading data, but VERY slowly. It takes about 15 minutes to load up charts, whereas it took my old Rithmic feed about a minute all told.

Also, there are some issues with intraday data not loading correctly on some daily timeframe chart I use. I set them to load 180 days but they only load about 20-30 days of data, and they are set to continuous contract with date rule rollover.

If I press edit-translate symbols, they reload much faster for some reason.