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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:50:30 +0000

Post From: Various Issues

[2020-05-08 14:09:18]
User472511 - Posts: 19

I have noticed numerous issues in the latest pre-release (2101).

-Using the scroll wheel to zoom in/out seems to be broken and requires me to use the "go to end of chart" hotkey anytime I change the zoom level.

-Since the new chartbook format has been implemented it seems that certain parameters under "chart > graphics settings - chart" are not being respected even when "use global graphics settings instead of these settings" is unchecked. For instance, the "chart trading order fills entry/exit connecting lines" show the same color for primary and secondary no matter if they are set to different colors.

-When using constant range under scale settings upon saving and re-opening the chartbook this defaults to "keep last bar within view" no matter what setting it was saved with before closing.

I have tested all of these with new charts built from the bottom up and there has been no fix available. Please advise.