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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 16:53:20 +0000

Post From: Numbers Bars

[2020-04-30 10:14:51]
Eric - Posts: 21
Hi, I've upgraded to the $36 package and I came back to Sierra Chart. This time the numbers bars are back but looking carefully, the details are missing.
All of the values are 0X0. I have been using Interactive Brokers to feed my data and it worked perfectly in the past month until the service package expired. After I made a payment and renewed the service, everything just stopped working.
I have 2 questions,

1. If I choose to use Interactive Brokers as data feed for the numbers bar, is it still possible? What do I need to do?
2. If using IB feed is not allowed, does that mean I have to purchase from Sierra Chart? I only need data for HSI Futures from the HKFE exchange. How much is it?
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