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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 15:18:58 +0000

Post From: I need help on how to access BidVolumeAtPrice / AskVolumeAtPrice for a drown VP profile

[2020-04-27 23:05:30]
User712062 - Posts: 14

Is there a function similar to int GetStudyProfileInformation(const int StudyID, const int ProfileIndex, n_ACSIL::s_StudyProfileInformation& StudyProfileInformation); where you can specified the StudyID and ProfileIndex to obtain BidVolumeAtPrice / AskVolumeAtPrice but for a particular drawn VP profile ?.

I understand that with instructions like the ones bellow you could have access to ask volume and bid volume from a VP. but not for a drawn VP profile. at least as far as I know.

s_VolumeAtPriceV2 *p_VolumeAtPriceAtIndex;
sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetVAPElementAtIndex(sc.Index, ElementIndex, &p_VolumeAtPriceAtIndex);
int AskVol = p_VolumeAtPriceAtIndex->AskVolume;
int BidVol = p_VolumeAtPriceAtIndex->BidVolume;

With these members m_BidVolume m_AskVolume from this function sc.GetStudyProfileInformation you can have access to Bid_AskVolume for a drawn VP profile but they are general volume values not individual volume values at each price.
I need help on how to obtain that information from a particular drawn VP profile where I could specify StudyID and ProfileIndex and access Bid_AskVolume per price level.
Your help will be appreciated . Thanks in advance.