Support Board
Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 14:23:50 +0000
Post From: Market Depth Not Replaying - SC Order Routing Service
[2020-04-22 11:07:35] |
User104854 - Posts: 457 |
I understand that there should not be a problem in a perfect world and that it's very convenient to just say that there probably isn't any depth recorded. However, I wouldn't waste your time if that was the case. This isn't my first week using Sierra Chart. There is depth recorded. How do I know this? When I replay a chart during the same time frame where there is recorded market depth, with versions 2041 and earlier the depth comes in just fine. With versions 2042 and later it does not. Simple. I know you want more and more users to be on this data feed. Therefore, you should embrace when an issue like this is brought to your attention as it will help to make it even more of a well oiled machine for everyone. I'm very happy with it so far besides this hurdle. Have you tried it? Will you please try it and see if it works on your end? Thank you. |