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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 10:24:43 +0000

Post From: No Equity Futures Data

[2020-04-21 16:02:59]
CMG - Posts: 179
Hi There,
Futures data was working fine yesterday.
Do I need to contact broker in middle of month for data when process to connect to them was done on the first day of the month?
The link you sent is the process to be done once a month and it has already been done.
Im an active trader and all opt in processes with transact to have sierra stand alone as my charting has been done with broker.
Two questions:
1) Are there any changes to the established process?
2) If data was working, nothing has changed with my broker, trading account is funded and active, why is data interrupted in the middle of the month?
3) Is this problem originated from your end or at brokers side?