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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 02:46:13 +0000

Post From: rogue twconfig problem

[2020-04-08 05:39:00]
User745789 - Posts: 356
I think I worked it out. It depended on which chart I last clicked on when I hit the buy hot key. I click between charts very often. I will explain:

Chart A: used for trade entry. DOM and Trade Window are attached.

Chart B: used for analysis. No DOM nor Trade Window. But... chart trade mode was on so that I can see working orders on it and so that no matter where I have last clicked within SC, I can trade with hotkeys. The result of that is I do not pay attention to what chart is active when I trade. I click on Chart B all the time for analysis. And that caused the problem:

1. I accidentally noticed that if Chart B was the last chart I had clicked on, then the extinct "8tickSL" twconfig file would be employed. 
2. So I activated the Trade Window for that chart, and there was no twconfig file selected in the pull down. It was blank. 
3. My guess is that the last twconfig file selected for that chart was the extinct "8tickSL" file.
4. At some stage I wrote over and renamed "8tickSL", and it no longer existed.
5. Therefore Chart B no longer had a twconfig to employ in the Trade Window, based on the last selected. But somehow it 'remembered' the extinct "8tickSL" file???
6. I selected a twconfig file for Chart B, and can no longer reproduce the problem.

I hope I did not waste your time. But also hope I found a low probability user error.