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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:45:14 +0000

Post From: It would be great to have few ACSIL improvements in the Replay management space

[2020-03-30 10:48:44]
jmt816 - Posts: 45
Why would you need to get the replay speed? If ACSIL is starting a replay, remember what the speed was that you specified in a persistent variable

Kicking off backtesting is not necessarily done from within ASCIL, but manually, in order to run a backstest of a trading systems. Detailed logging slows down execution when running an extended high speed test (e.g., for a full futures contract period of several months), vs when the logging is useful for evaluating things during a slower speed test.
Therefore, being able to toggle certain logging within code based on replay speed would be handy. Starting a backtest is not necessarily triggered by ASCIL, therefore could not be stored in a persistent variable.

Currently, I wrote a function that gets the replay speed by parsing it from the name of the chart, because that gets added to the chartname by Sierra.
Since Sierra obviously "knows" the replay speed in order to be able to include in chartname, why not expose the "Getter" since there is already the "Setter"?