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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 20:08:41 +0000

Post From: New versions are overwriting sierra3.cfg and possibly other .cfg settings.

[2020-03-24 13:41:35]
User92573 - Posts: 541
Dear Support

In each of the recent version updates I find myself having to reset control bar 1 and control bar 8. Possibly others/areas are affected also?
With this in mind can I ask whether this is now expected to be the norm and will be continuing into the future especially as I have a significant number of customizations that take much time to reset?
If this is the case which is not an issue if known, can I ask that the new installation saves all previous personal configurations/settings in such a way that they can be recovered/imported back as a part of the upgrade process?

Also v2068 Control bar 1 Custom Time Period unlike the custom text and some other options has its Button Caption and Description empty/blank although on opening the version update all Custom Time Periods are complete and visible.

Many thanks
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-03-24 14:16:02