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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:52:50 +0000

Post From: auto re-center stopped for trading DOM

[2020-03-19 17:17:05]
FLfutures - Posts: 11
Maybe I was not clear.
--No problem with chart itself;
--The issue is with the trading DOM, which I only use for MES futures contract.

Until today, not only did the trading DOM center automatically, but if I clicked in middle, it would also re-center.

I should have mentioned I use IB, as I notice Sierra seems to have some routing issues with IB, although I have not had a problem in the probably 10 years I've used that combination.

Sorry, not worth my effort to take a screen shot, but just picture a trading DOM, with prices from several hours earlier; not updating; not centering.

I can keep Sierra charts (currently use a computer with 9 LED screens,) & use IB Book Trader (= Sierra trading DOM, but still works properly.)

Hopefully you could figure how what changed today with Sierra DOM.
