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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 15:53:57 +0000

Post From: not getting connected

[2020-03-13 23:40:46]
User646026 - Posts: 14
Hi Sierra Charts,

I've started to use TT data and your server for trade entry with my account - that's working fine. But, since I've changed to TT my connection to Topstep's rithmic server isn't happening. I've read this thread, updated to the latest release and tried the connection, I've updated to the prerelease with the same connection result and I have followed through and had Topstep do a remote assistance to check my configuration. They didn't find anything wrong with my Rtrader connection my computer updates or my antivirus exclusions (I have SC, and RtraderPro excluded) or the configuration.

So, with all that done I'm appealing to you for help, as, I believe I've tried everything suggested.

best regards,