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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:04:01 +0000

Post From: Unexpected new position after OCO trade stop hit

[2020-03-10 19:45:26]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Ok we have looked this over and we see what has happened and we have also reread your original description and we originally did not understand the it. But now we know what has happened.

The problem is the flat position was just not getting reported by the Rithmic API and it was continuing to report a position of -1. And then you continued to flatten that position with buy orders which ended up putting putting you into a long position of +2 contracts.

We have seen this kind of problem before with Rithmic.

ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  PositionQuantity  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance
Position  2020-03-05 09:32:45.912  GCJ0-COMEX  Updated Internal Position Quantity to 0. Previous: -1        1          Unspecified      70625645              
Fill  2020-03-05 09:32:45.913  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Filled)  1645  35602818  Stop  1  Buy    1665.6000000    Open  1660.8000000  1  70625645  Close  1643  76466:M:3180540TN0082507  1660.8000488  1658.4000244  SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:32:45.914  GCJ0-COMEX  Canceling order due to sibling fill  1644  35602817  Limit  1  Buy    1653.6000000    Pending Cancel      70625645  Close  1643        SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:32:45.915  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Order update). Info: Status: complete. CompReason: F  1645  35602818  Stop  1  Buy    1665.6000000    Filled  1660.8000000  1  70625645  Close  1643  76466:M:3180540TN0082507      SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:32:46.667  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Order update). Info: Status: complete. CompReason: C  1644  35602817  Limit  1  Buy    1653.6000000    Canceled      70625645  Close  1643        SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Position  2020-03-05 09:32:53.908  GCJ0-COMEX  Synchronized Internal Position quantity to current Service Position quantity. New Internal Position quantity: -1            -1      Unspecified      70625645              
Order  2020-03-05 09:33:20.183  GCJ0-COMEX  No working orders to cancel for Symbol and Account                  Unspecified      70625645              
Order  2020-03-05 09:33:20.184  GCJ0-COMEX  GCJ0-COMEX 1 Min #1 | User order entry. Flatten&Cancel | Last: 1661. Current Position quantity: -1  1646    Market  1  Buy  -1      Order Sent      70625645  Close          SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:33:20.683  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (New). Info: Status: Order received from client.   1646  35603316  Market  1  Buy  -1      Pending Open      70625645  Close          SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:33:21.390  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Order update). Info: Status: open.   1646  35603316  Market  1  Buy  -1      Open      70625645  Close          SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Position  2020-03-05 09:33:21.448  GCJ0-COMEX  Updated Internal Position Quantity to 0. Previous: -1        1          Unspecified      70625645              
Fill  2020-03-05 09:33:21.449  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Filled)  1646  35603316  Market  1  Buy        Open  1661.1000000  1  70625645  Close    76466:M:3183177TN0083153  1661.1000000  1660.0999756  SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Order  2020-03-05 09:33:21.670  GCJ0-COMEX  Rithmic Trading order update (Order update). Info: Status: complete. CompReason: F  1646  35603316  Market  1  Buy        Filled  1661.1000000  1  70625645  Close    76466:M:3183177TN0083153      SimpleBracket.twconfig  
Position  2020-03-05 09:33:29.452  GCJ0-COMEX  Synchronized Internal Position quantity to current Service Position quantity. New Internal Position quantity: -1            -1      Unspecified      70625645      

It is problems like these, is the reason why we have discontinued support for Rithmic and recommend users move to the Sierra Chart order routing service or less preferred CQG. You should take our advice on that. Here is the documentation for the Sierra Chart order routing service:
Sierra Chart / Trading Technologies Futures Order Routing Service

If you let us know your broker is we can see if they support that service.

Our notice about Rithmic is here:
Technical Help for Rithmic is Now Discontinued as of December 1, 2019.

Also, refer to this section here:
Overview of Trading: Procedure to Handle Unexpected Trading Issue
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-03-10 19:48:22