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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 09:46:16 +0000

Post From: Micro S&P Sierra Chart question on trade dollar amounts

[2020-03-04 23:21:22]
User307899 - Posts: 1
Hello Sierra Charts,

I am trading with AMP Futures with the latest Sierra Charts (just downloaded and reinstalled today 3/4/2020). I plan to trade the micro e-mini S&P 500 index futures. The symbol on my chart is F.US.MESH20. When I 'Open Trade Window For Chart' in order to set up my 3 micro contracts trade, the dollar amounts showing are the same amounts that show up when I am trading the normal e-mini S&P index futures.

Shouldn't the dollar amounts be 1/10th the amount? How can I be sure I will be trading micro contracts vs mini contracts?

I sent in a screen shot to help make my question clear. Please let me know how I can confirm that the risk I am taking when trading is correct to trading the micro e-mini S&P 500 index futures.

Thank you.

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