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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 11:27:54 +0000

Post From: waiting to download historical data.

[2020-02-26 01:59:44]
User392279 - Posts: 67
Always show waiting to download historical data. Can't trade at this condition...

Software version: 2056 64-bit | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Usage end date: 2020-03-27 | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for exchange2: CME | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for exchange2: COMEX | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Current selected Data/Trading service: Interactive Brokers | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Chart Update Interval: 100 | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Time Zone: +08:00:00 (HKT+08) | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
2020-02-26 02:10:43 Local computer time | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
2020-02-25 18:10:43 Local computer time in UTC | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
2020-02-26 02:10:43 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
2020-02-25 11:30:50 Server time in UTC | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Program path: D:\SierraChart\ | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Data Files path: D:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
Locale Setting: C | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.485
DLLs: UserContributedStudies.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2020-02-26 02:10:43.487

Socket (4) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: 你的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。 | 2020-02-26 02:10:52.926
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:10:52.926
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:10:52.926

Interactive Brokers | Connecting to | 2020-02-26 02:11:11.635
IB TWS socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:11:11.635
IB TWS socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:11:11.635
Interactive Brokers | Sending API sign: API | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.136
Interactive Brokers | Sending client version: v100..136 +PACEAPI. Waiting for acceptance. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.136
Interactive Brokers | TWS server version: 136 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.141
Interactive Brokers | TWS time: 20200226 02:11:11 中国标准时间 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.141
Interactive Brokers | Connected. Sending Start API command. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.402
Interactive Brokers | Waiting for account information. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.402
IB Account information received. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.405
Interactive Brokers | Received 1 Trade Accounts from TWS. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.405
Interactive Brokers | Connected to Live account. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.405
Interactive Brokers | Year-Month last connected to Live account: 2020-02 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.405
Interactive Brokers | Connected to data and trading server. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.405
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ES-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
Mapping ES-201909-GLOBEX to ESU19. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.407
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: ES-201909-GLOBEX (ESU19). ID: 1 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds23.sierracharts.com. Port 443 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: ES-201909-GLOBEX (ESU19). ID: 1 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ES-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
Added historical Intraday data request for ES-201909-GLOBEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
Intraday data recording state for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.408
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.414
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.414
Next valid order ID: 204 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: Market data farm connection is OK:hfarm. IB Error Code: 2104. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: Market data farm connection is OK:jfarm. IB Error Code: 2104. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: Market data farm connection is OK:usfuture. IB Error Code: 2104. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: Market data farm connection is OK:cashfarm. IB Error Code: 2104. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: HMDS data farm connection is OK:ushmds. IB Error Code: 2106. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Message from IB: Sec-def data farm connection is OK:secdefhk. IB Error Code: 2158. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Delaying start of download for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.459
Next valid order ID: 204 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.460
Next valid order ID: 204 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.460
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.461
Mapping MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to MESH20. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.461
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD (MESH20). ID: 2 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.461
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD (MESH20). ID: 2 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.461
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.461
Added historical Intraday data request for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.462
Intraday data recording state for symbol MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.462
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.462
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.819
Mapping MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to MGCJ20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.819
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 (MGCJ20). ID: 3 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.819
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 (MGCJ20). ID: 3 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.819
Requesting market depth updates for: MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Added historical Intraday data request for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Intraday data recording state for symbol MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.820
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ZF-######-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ZF-######-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZF-202006-ECBOT. ID: 5 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: ZF, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202006, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: , Multiplier: , CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: ZF-202006-ECBOT. ID: 5 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZF-202003-ECBOT. ID: 4 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: ZF, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202003, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: , Multiplier: , CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: ZF-202003-ECBOT. ID: 4 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Requesting market depth updates for: ZF-202003-ECBOT if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ZF-######-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Added historical Intraday data request for ZF-202003-ECBOT to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Intraday data recording state for symbol ZF-202003-ECBOT is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.858
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: RTY-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Mapping RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to RTYH20. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD (RTYH20). ID: 6 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD (RTYH20). ID: 6 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Requesting market depth updates for: RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: RTY-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Added historical Intraday data request for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Intraday data recording state for symbol RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.883
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6E-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Mapping M6E-202003-GLOBEX to M6EH20. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: M6E-202003-GLOBEX (M6EH20). ID: 7 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: M6E-202003-GLOBEX (M6EH20). ID: 7 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Requesting market depth updates for: M6E-202003-GLOBEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6E-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Added historical Intraday data request for M6E-202003-GLOBEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Intraday data recording state for symbol M6E-202003-GLOBEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.894
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6B-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Mapping M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD to M6BH20. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD (M6BH20). ID: 8 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD (M6BH20). ID: 8 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Requesting market depth updates for: M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6B-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Added historical Intraday data request for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Intraday data recording state for symbol M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: GC-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Mapping GC-202004-NYMEX to GCJ20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: GC-202004-NYMEX (GCJ20). ID: 9 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: GC-202004-NYMEX (GCJ20). ID: 9 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Requesting market depth updates for: GC-202004-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: GC-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Added historical Intraday data request for GC-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Intraday data recording state for symbol GC-202004-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.895
Requesting market depth updates for: MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.906
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.906
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: QM-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Mapping QM-202004-NYMEX to QMJ20. Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: QM-202004-NYMEX (QMJ20). ID: 10 Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: QM-202004-NYMEX (QMJ20). ID: 10 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Requesting market depth updates for: QM-202004-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. QM-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: QM-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Added historical Intraday data request for QM-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Intraday data recording state for symbol QM-202004-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.912
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: CL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Mapping CL-202004-NYMEX to CLJ20. Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: CL-202004-NYMEX (CLJ20). ID: 11 Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: CL-202004-NYMEX (CLJ20). ID: 11 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Requesting market depth updates for: CL-202004-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. CL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: CL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Added historical Intraday data request for CL-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Intraday data recording state for symbol CL-202004-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.913
Interactive Brokers | Market data type is Live for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.917
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\ZF-202003-ECBOT.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.917
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: NG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Mapping NG-202004-NYMEX to NGJ20. Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: NG-202004-NYMEX (NGJ20). ID: 12 Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: NG-202004-NYMEX (NGJ20). ID: 12 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Requesting market depth updates for: NG-202004-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. NG-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: NG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Added historical Intraday data request for NG-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Intraday data recording state for symbol NG-202004-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.922
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: SI-######-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Mapping SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 to SILH20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: SI-######-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Mapping SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 to SILK20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 (SILK20). ID: 14 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 (SILK20). ID: 14 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 (SILH20). ID: 13 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 (SILH20). ID: 13 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Requesting market depth updates for: SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: SI-######-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Added historical Intraday data request for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Intraday data recording state for symbol SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.923
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: HG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Mapping HG-202003-NYMEX to HGH20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: HG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Mapping HG-202005-NYMEX to HGK20. Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: HG-202005-NYMEX (HGK20). ID: 16 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: HG-202005-NYMEX (HGK20). ID: 16 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: HG-202003-NYMEX (HGH20). ID: 15 Service code: comex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: HG-202003-NYMEX (HGH20). ID: 15 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Requesting market depth updates for: HG-202003-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. HG-202003-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: HG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Added historical Intraday data request for HG-202003-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Intraday data recording state for symbol HG-202003-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.924
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: TN-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: TN-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: TN-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 18 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: TN, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202006, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: USD, Multiplier: 1000, CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: TN-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 18 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 17 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: TN, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202003, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: USD, Multiplier: 1000, CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 17 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Requesting market depth updates for: TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: TN-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Added historical Intraday data request for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Intraday data recording state for symbol TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.925
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: PL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Mapping PL-202004-NYMEX to PLJ20. Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: PL-202004-NYMEX (PLJ20). ID: 19 Service code: nymex | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: PL-202004-NYMEX (PLJ20). ID: 19 | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Requesting market depth updates for: PL-202004-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. PL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: PL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Added historical Intraday data request for PL-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Intraday data recording state for symbol PL-202004-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:12.926
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: N1U-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.154
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: N1U-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.154
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: N1U-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 21 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: N1U, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202006, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: USD, Multiplier: 1000, CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: N1U-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 21 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Interactive Brokers | Starting real-time market data updates for: N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 20 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Interactive Brokers | Subscribing to Symbol: N1U, SecurityType: FUT, Expiration: 202003, Exchange: ECBOT, Primary Exchange: , Currency: USD, Multiplier: 1000, CallPut: , Strike: , LocalSymbol: , TradingClass: | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Interactive Brokers | Requesting security definition data for: N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000. ID: 20 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: N1U-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Added historical Intraday data request for N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Intraday data recording state for symbol N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.155
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MNQ-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Mapping MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD to MNQH20. Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD (MNQH20). ID: 22 Service code: cme | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD (MNQH20). ID: 22 | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Requesting market depth updates for: MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MNQ-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Added historical Intraday data request for MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Intraday data recording state for symbol MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.156
Interactive Brokers | Market data type is Live for ZF-202006-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:11:13.362
Interactive Brokers | Requesting Trade Positions snapshot and updates (IB account data updates (6)) for account: U100* | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: ES-201909-GLOBEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: HG-202005-NYMEX if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. HG-202005-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: N1U-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Requesting market depth updates for: TN-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 if supported. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.400
Interactive Brokers | Begin Trade Positions processing. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.402
Interactive Brokers | Sending request for contract details for contract ID 362702255 | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.402
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions download end message for account U100* | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.402
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions for all accounts. Performing final processing. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.402
Interactive Brokers | Received contract details for symbol MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.405
Interactive Brokers | All contract details received for symbols used for trading. Starting timer to request trading data. | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.406
RemoveDuplicateFills | TradeAccount: . DatesOfRecordsToInsert: 2020-02-25, . MostRecentFileNameSearched: TradeActivityLog_2020-02-25_UTC.U10007593.data. RecordsRemovedCount: 2. OriginalRecordsToInsertCount: 2. RecordsToInsertCount: 0 | 2020-02-26 02:11:17.427
Interactive Brokers | All contract details received for symbols used for trading. Re-requesting trading data. | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.395
Interactive Brokers | Stopping automatic Trade Position updates for account: U100* | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.395
Interactive Brokers | Requesting Trade Positions snapshot and updates (IB account data updates (6)) for account: U100* | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.395
Message from IB: API client has been unsubscribed from account data. IB Error Code: 2100. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.395
Interactive Brokers | Begin Trade Positions processing. | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.396
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions download end message for account U100* | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.396
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions for all accounts. Performing final processing. | 2020-02-26 02:11:27.396
DTC Client socket (2) | Connect event error. Windows error code 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.460
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.461
DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.461
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.461
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.461
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:11:33.461
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds21.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.458
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.458
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.459
SC Data - All Services | Connected to server. | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.758
SC Data - All Services | Starting socket receive thread. | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.758
SC Data - All Services | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:11:35.758
SC Data - All Services | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:11:37.008
SC Data - All Services | Sending logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:11:37.008
Socket (5) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: 你的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。 | 2020-02-26 02:12:03.401
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:12:03.401
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:12:03.401
Message from IB: Connectivity between %SHORT_COMPNAME% and %SHORT_PRODNAME% has been lost. IB Error Code: 1100. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.978
Symbol Error - SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - N1U-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - PL-202004-NYMEX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - NG-202004-NYMEX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - (unknown symbol with ID 100018) is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - (unknown symbol with ID 100017) is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - TN-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - (unknown symbol with ID 100020) is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - (unknown symbol with ID 100021) is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - HG-202003-NYMEX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - TN-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - N1U-202006-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - HG-202005-NYMEX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
Symbol Error - N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. No security definition has been found for the request | 2020-02-26 02:12:12.980
HD Request # 642 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ES-201909-GLOBEX to the file ES-201909-GLOBEX.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:12:13.402
HD Request # 642 | Download start date-time: 2019-09-20 21:29:59.000 | 2020-02-26 02:12:13.402
HD Request # 642 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:12:13.402
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:12:13.402
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:12:13.402
Message from IB: Connectivity between %SHORT_COMPNAME% and %SHORT_PRODNAME% has been restored - data maintained. 所有数据农场均已连接: hfarm; jfarm; usfuture; cashfarm; ushmds; secdefhk. IB Error Code: 1102. Request ID: -1. | 2020-02-26 02:12:25.750
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions download end message for account U100* | 2020-02-26 02:12:25.825
Interactive Brokers | Received Trade Positions for all accounts. Performing final processing. | 2020-02-26 02:12:25.825
DTC Client socket (3) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: 你的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。 | 2020-02-26 02:12:28.405
DTC Client socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:12:28.405
DTC Client socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:12:28.405
HD Request # 642 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:12:32.031
HD Request # 642 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:12:32.031
HD Request # 642 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2019-09-20 21:29:59. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU19 | 2020-02-26 02:12:32.770
HD Request # 642 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.058
HD Request # 642 | Receiving Intraday data for ES-201909-GLOBEX starting at 2019-09-20 21:29:59 | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
HD Request # 642 | Received 2 records from 2019-09-20 21:29:59.000 to 2019-09-20 21:29:59.001 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
HD Request # 642 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
HD Request # 642 | Intraday data download complete for ES-201909-GLOBEX. Unique request ID: 319 | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.060
Removing historical data download ID 319. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
Intraday chart data file opened for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
HD Request # 642 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
HD Request # 643 | Downloading Intraday chart data for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
HD Request # 643 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:18.000 | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
HD Request # 643 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.061
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.348
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:12:33.349
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.058
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.058
HD Request # 643 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
Added historical Intraday data request for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
HD Request # 643 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
HD Request # 643 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065

HD Request # 644 | Downloading Intraday chart data for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
HD Request # 644 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:18.000 | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
HD Request # 644 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.065
HD Request # 644 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.643
HD Request # 644 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:12:53.643
HD Request # 644 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:18. Record interval: 0. Symbol: MESH20 | 2020-02-26 02:12:54.691
HD Request # 644 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-26 02:12:54.974
SC Data - All Services | There has been no activity on the network socket for 40 seconds. Will reconnect. | 2020-02-26 02:12:55.463
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:12:55.463
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2020-02-26 02:12:55.463
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:12:55.463
DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:12:55.464
HD Request # 644 | Receiving Intraday data for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD starting at 2020-02-26 02:03:18 | 2020-02-26 02:12:56.466
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds22.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2020-02-26 02:12:57.463
DTC Client socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:12:57.464
DTC Client socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:12:57.464
SC Data - All Services | Connected to server. | 2020-02-26 02:13:00.760
SC Data - All Services | Starting socket receive thread. | 2020-02-26 02:13:00.760
SC Data - All Services | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:13:00.760
SC Data - All Services | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:13:04.087
SC Data - All Services | Sending logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:13:04.087
SC Data - All Services | Received logon response. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Successfully connected. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Trading is not supported. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: CL-202004-NYMEX -> CLJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ES-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
Added historical Intraday data request for ES-201909-GLOBEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
Intraday data recording state for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ES-201909-GLOBEX -> ESU19 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: GC-202004-NYMEX -> GCJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: HG-202003-NYMEX -> HGH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: HG-202005-NYMEX -> HGK20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> M6BH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M6E-202003-GLOBEX -> M6EH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> MESH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 -> MGCJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> MNQH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NG-202004-NYMEX -> NGJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: PL-202004-NYMEX -> PLJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: QM-202004-NYMEX -> QMJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> RTYH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 -> SILH20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 -> SILK20 | 2020-02-26 02:13:13.440
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for CL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:14.243
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol CL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:14.244
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.759
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.759
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.759
HD Request # 644 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-26 02:03:18 | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.759
HD Request # 644 | Received 14655 records from 2020-02-26 02:03:18.000 to 2020-02-26 02:12:51.007 (9.6 minutes) and wrote 14654 records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.759
HD Request # 644 | Completion time: 23s | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766
HD Request # 644 | Intraday data download complete for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Unique request ID: 320 | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766
Removing historical data download ID 320. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766
Intraday chart data file opened for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766
HD Request # 644 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.766

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
HD Request # 645 | Downloading Intraday chart data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the file MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10.scid. Service: comex | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
HD Request # 645 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:50.000 | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
HD Request # 645 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:13:16.767
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.039
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.039
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\CL-202004-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.255
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\ES-201909-GLOBEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
SC Data - All Services | Real-time data for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX is currently unavailable. | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:17.256
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.757
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.757
HD Request # 645 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758
Added historical Intraday data request for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758
HD Request # 645 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758
HD Request # 645 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.758

HD Request # 646 | Downloading Intraday chart data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the file MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10.scid. Service: comex | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.759
HD Request # 646 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:50.000 | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.759
HD Request # 646 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.760
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.760
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:13:36.760
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\GC-202004-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\HG-202003-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol HG-202003-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol HG-202005-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\M6E-202003-GLOBEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.145
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:39.146
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.764
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.764
HD Request # 646 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
Added historical Intraday data request for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
HD Request # 646 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
HD Request # 646 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784

HD Request # 647 | Downloading Intraday chart data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the file MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10.scid. Service: comex | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.784
HD Request # 647 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:03:50.000 | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.785
HD Request # 647 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.785
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.785
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:13:56.785
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:57.987
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:13:58.017
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.706
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.706
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\NG-202004-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\PL-202004-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for QM-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\QM-202004-NYMEX.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol NG-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol PL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol QM-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:13:59.707
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:14:05.448
Opened cached Depth file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000.2020-02-25.depth | 2020-02-26 02:14:05.448
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:05.449
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:05.449
Opened cached Intraday file: D:\SierraChart\Data\MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid | 2020-02-26 02:14:09.595
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.771
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.771
HD Request # 647 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.796
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.796
HD Request # 647 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.796
HD Request # 647 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.796
HD Request # 647 | Intraday data download complete for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10. Unique request ID: 321 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
Removing historical data download ID 321. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
Intraday chart data file opened for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
HD Request # 647 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
HD Request # 648 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZF-202003-ECBOT to the file ZF-202003-ECBOT.scid. Service: cbot | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
HD Request # 648 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:10:16.000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
HD Request # 648 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:14:16.797
HD Request # 648 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:14:26.380
HD Request # 648 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:14:26.380
HD Request # 648 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:10:16. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZFH20 | 2020-02-26 02:14:27.110
HD Request # 648 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.163
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.163
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.163
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 648 | Received 1 record from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 648 | Completion time: 12s | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 648 | Intraday data download complete for ZF-202003-ECBOT. Unique request ID: 322 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Removing historical data download ID 322. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Intraday chart data file opened for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 648 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ZF-######-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Interactive Brokers | Using primary service for historical data for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Added historical Intraday data request for ZF-202003-ECBOT to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Intraday data recording state for symbol ZF-202003-ECBOT is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 649 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZF-202003-ECBOT to the file ZF-202003-ECBOT.scid. Service: interactive_brokers.trading | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 649 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:10:16.000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 649 | Requesting a total of 0 days and 5052 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 649 | IB Backfill - Seconds requested: 5052. Seconds Remaining: 0. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 649 | Requesting 5052 Seconds of data at 30 secs with ending date-time at 2020-02-26 03:24:28 for ZF-202003-ECBOT. PriceType: TRADES | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 650 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.164
HD Request # 650 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:56:00.000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.165
HD Request # 650 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.165
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.165
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.165
HD Request # 649 | Processing historical data message from TWS | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.479
HD Request # 649 | Receiving Intraday data for ZF-202003-ECBOT starting at 2020-02-26 02:00:30 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.479
HD Request # 649 | Received 29 records and wrote 28 records from 2020-02-26 02:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:14:00. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.479
HD Request # 649 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-26 02:10:30 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.479
HD Request # 649 | Received 29 records from 2020-02-26 02:00:30.000 to 2020-02-26 02:14:00.000 (13.5 minutes) and wrote 8 records for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.480
HD Request # 649 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
HD Request # 649 | Intraday data download complete for ZF-202003-ECBOT. Unique request ID: 337 | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
Removing historical data download ID 337. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
Intraday chart data file opened for ZF-202003-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
HD Request # 649 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:28.487
Opened cached Intraday file: D:\SierraChart\Data\ZF-202003-ECBOT.scid | 2020-02-26 02:14:34.771
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.160
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.160
HD Request # 650 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
Added historical Intraday data request for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
HD Request # 650 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
HD Request # 650 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167

HD Request # 651 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.167
HD Request # 651 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:56:00.000 | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.168
HD Request # 651 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.168
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.168
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:14:48.168
DTC Client socket (2) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: 你的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。 | 2020-02-26 02:14:55.766
DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:14:55.766
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:14:55.767
HD Request # 651 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:15:07.492
HD Request # 651 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.833
HD Request # 651 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.833
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.833
Socket (5) | Write in progress. Shutdown being delayed. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.833
HD Request # 651 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Historical data logon error: Unsupported protocol version | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.845
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 651 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 651 | Completion time: 30s | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 651 | Intraday data download complete for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Unique request ID: 323 | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
Removing historical data download ID 323. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
Intraday chart data file opened for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 651 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 652 | Downloading Intraday chart data for M6E-202003-GLOBEX to the file M6E-202003-GLOBEX.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 652 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:59:40.000 | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.846
HD Request # 652 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.847
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.847
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:15:18.847
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:15:19.149
Socket (5) | Write has completed. Shutdown being performed. | 2020-02-26 02:15:19.149
Socket (5) | Graceful close received or receive error. Shutdown complete. Closing socket now. | 2020-02-26 02:15:19.149
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:15:19.149
SC Data - All Services | There has been no activity on the network socket for 40 seconds. Will reconnect. | 2020-02-26 02:15:37.461
DTC Client socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:15:37.463
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2020-02-26 02:15:37.463
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:15:37.463
DTC Client socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:15:37.463
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.842
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.842
HD Request # 652 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for M6E-202003-GLOBEX. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
Added historical Intraday data request for M6E-202003-GLOBEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
HD Request # 652 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
HD Request # 652 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843

HD Request # 653 | Downloading Intraday chart data for M6E-202003-GLOBEX to the file M6E-202003-GLOBEX.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
HD Request # 653 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:59:40.000 | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
HD Request # 653 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:15:38.843
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds23.sierracharts.com. Port 443 | 2020-02-26 02:15:39.462
DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:15:39.463
DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:15:39.463
HD Request # 653 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:15:42.433
HD Request # 653 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:15:42.433
HD Request # 653 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:59:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: M6EH20 | 2020-02-26 02:15:44.245
DTC Client socket (5) | Connect event error. Windows error code 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.503
DTC Client socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.504
DTC Client socket (5) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.504
DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.504
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.504
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2020-02-26 02:16:00.504
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds21.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.510
DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.511
DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.511
SC Data - All Services | Connected to server. | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.814
SC Data - All Services | Starting socket receive thread. | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.814
SC Data - All Services | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:16:02.815
HD Request # 653 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.320
HD Request # 653 | Receiving Intraday data for M6E-202003-GLOBEX starting at 2020-02-26 01:59:40 | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.320
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.320
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.321
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.321
HD Request # 653 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-26 02:00:25 | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.321
HD Request # 653 | Received 82 records from 2020-02-26 01:59:40.000 to 2020-02-26 02:15:34.000 (15.9 minutes) and wrote 81 records for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.321
HD Request # 653 | Completion time: 25s | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
HD Request # 653 | Intraday data download complete for M6E-202003-GLOBEX. Unique request ID: 324 | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
Removing historical data download ID 324. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
Intraday chart data file opened for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
HD Request # 653 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
HD Request # 654 | Downloading Intraday chart data for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.328
HD Request # 654 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:07:11.000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.329
HD Request # 654 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.329
Socket (6) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.329
Socket (6) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.329
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.604
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:16:03.604
SC Data - All Services | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:16:05.806
SC Data - All Services | Sending logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:16:05.806
SC Data - All Services | Received logon response. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Successfully connected. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Trading is not supported. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: CL-202004-NYMEX -> CLJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ES-201909-GLOBEX -> ESU19 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: GC-202004-NYMEX -> GCJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: HG-202003-NYMEX -> HGH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: HG-202005-NYMEX -> HGK20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> M6BH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6E-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Added historical Intraday data request for M6E-202003-GLOBEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Intraday data recording state for symbol M6E-202003-GLOBEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M6E-202003-GLOBEX -> M6EH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.147
Added historical Intraday data request for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Intraday data recording state for symbol MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> MESH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Added historical Intraday data request for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Intraday data recording state for symbol MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 -> MGCJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> MNQH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NG-202004-NYMEX -> NGJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: PL-202004-NYMEX -> PLJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: QM-202004-NYMEX -> QMJ20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: RTY-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Added historical Intraday data request for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
Intraday data recording state for symbol RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD -> RTYH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 -> SILH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 -> SILK20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:12.148
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for CL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.526
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol CL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.527
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.554
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.25 Range #15 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.554
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: QM-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.620
QM-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.025 Range #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.620
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: QM-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.621
QM-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.025 Range #9 | Error while getting daily open price with date 2020-01-23 from file. D:\SierraChart\Data\QM-202002-NYMEX.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.684
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.867
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 23:33:25 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.870
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:31:09 to 2020-02-20 22:55:42. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.872
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:48 to 2020-02-22 03:55:01. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.875
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:15:06 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.877
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:49. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.903
Loaded depth data records for QM-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:09:27. | 2020-02-26 02:16:13.932
QM-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.025 Range #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.462
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.467
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.467
SC Data - All Services | Real-time data for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX is currently unavailable. | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.467
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol ES-201909-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.467
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.467
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: CL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.699
CL-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.01 Range #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.699
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: CL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.700
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.804
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.823
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 [CB][M] 0.1 Range #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.823
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.823
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: NG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.926
NG-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.001 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.926
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: NG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:14.926
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 22:18:23 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.125
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: SI-######-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.152
SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 [CB][M] 0.01 Range #6 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.152
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.230
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:21 to 2020-02-20 00:59:13. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.240
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.255
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: HG-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.258
HG-202003-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.0005 Range #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.258
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:30 to 2020-02-20 00:59:13. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.259
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:30 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.269
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:37 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.272
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:25 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.273
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:15:00 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.275
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:32 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.298
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.299
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:15:05 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.310
Loaded depth data records for SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:01 to 2020-02-26 01:59:44. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.324
SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 [CB][M] 0.01 Range #6 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.364
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: TN-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.371
TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 [CB] 0.5/32 Range #11 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.371
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.426
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.458
Loaded depth data records for NG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:29 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.464
Loaded depth data records for NG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:53 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.468
Loaded depth data records for NG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:41 to 2020-02-22 03:55:00. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.476
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.477
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: PL-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.511
PL-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.1 Range #1 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.511
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:19 to 2020-02-20 00:59:14. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.516
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:22 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.558
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:20 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.567
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 05:59:59 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.574
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.619
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 180 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.619
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.696
Loaded depth data records for NG-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:56:15 to 2020-02-25 07:59:57. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.714
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] Daily #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.720
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:03:49. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.726
Loaded depth data records for NG-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:07:35. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.780
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 [CB][M] 0.1 Range #5 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.823
Loaded depth data records for HG-202003-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 01:57:51. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.834
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.912
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:09 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.922
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:17 to 2020-02-20 22:55:46. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.926
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:20 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.939
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:34:39 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.941
NG-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.001 Range #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.950
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.964
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:50 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.971
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:46 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.978
HG-202003-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.0005 Range #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.985
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:48 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.989
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:27:05 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:15.993
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:35. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.026
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:01 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.066
Loaded depth data records for TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 13:38:35. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.086
Loaded depth data records for PL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:09:25. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.088
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.231
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.231
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.231
TN-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 [CB] 0.5/32 Range #11 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.234
PL-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.1 Range #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.247
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol HG-202003-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.324
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol HG-202005-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.324
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.324
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol M6E-202003-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.324
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.324
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:13:17. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.382
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.25 Range #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.408
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] Daily #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.696
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.788
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] 0.1 Range #1 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.788
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.888
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 1 Min #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.888
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.976
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.995
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:16.995
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 22:08:45 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.006
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:21 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.050
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.100
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.100
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:40 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.103
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:00:02 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.119
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.226
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] 180 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.226
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.320
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.331
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] 1 Min #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.331
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:21 to 2020-02-20 00:59:13. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.332
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:25 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.347
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:32 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.366
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 07:00:00 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.379
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.426
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.542
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: ZF-######-ECBOT | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.717
ZF-202003-ECBOT 0.25/32 Range #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.717
Loaded depth data records for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:03:49. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.812
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] 0.1 Range #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.843
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.900
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:12 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.907
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:19 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.914
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:22 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.920
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:04:58 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.929
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-24 15:23:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:17.987
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:18.076
Loaded depth data records for ZF-202003-ECBOT 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 19:57:51 to 2020-02-26 02:16:07. | 2020-02-26 02:16:18.093
Loaded depth data records for CL-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:03:57. | 2020-02-26 02:16:18.250
ZF-202003-ECBOT 0.25/32 Range #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:18.489
CL-202004-NYMEX [CB][M] 0.01 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:18.847
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.118
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 30 Min #10 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.118
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: RTY-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.244
RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD [CB][M] 0.1 Range #12 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.244
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6E-######-GLOBEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.406
M6E-202003-GLOBEX[M] 0.0001 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.406
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.558
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: M6B-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.575
M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.0001 Range #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.575
Loaded depth data records for M6E-202003-GLOBEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 13:09:49 to 2020-02-25 07:59:36. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.600
Loaded depth data records for M6E-202003-GLOBEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:13:17. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.629
M6E-202003-GLOBEX[M] 0.0001 Range #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.676
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.691
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: GC-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.762
GC-202004-NYMEX[M] 0.1 Range #13 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.762
Loaded depth data records for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 12:55:03 to 2020-02-25 07:59:02. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.773
Loaded depth data records for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:11 to 2020-02-26 02:03:53. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.789
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.873
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for QM-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.873
SC Data - All Services | Clearing market depth for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.873
M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.0001 Range #2 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.875
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.879
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.879
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol NG-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.879
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol PL-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.879
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol QM-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.879
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.880
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: GC-######-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.904
GC-202004-NYMEX[M] 0.1 Range #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:19.904
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.024
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.25 Range #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.024
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.147
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 1 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.147
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MNQ-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.366
MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.366
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.479
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.481
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MGC-######-NYMEX-USD-10 | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.635
MGC-202004-NYMEX-USD-10[M] 1 Sec #6 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.635
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.765
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: N1U-######-ECBOT-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.898
N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 #14 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.899
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-25 07:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:20.967
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:21.124
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MNQ-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:21.941
MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 1 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:21.941
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:52 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:21.965
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:46 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.002
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-22 01:40:54 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.058
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:02:03 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.069
N1U-202003-ECBOT-USD-1000 #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.081
MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.243
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.249
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol SI-202003-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.250
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol SI-202005-NYMEX-USD-1000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.250
Using SC exchange feed2. Symbol: MES-######-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.253
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 1 Sec #6 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.253
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:22.610
Loaded depth data records for MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-25 07:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.024
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.139
Socket (6) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.342
Socket (6) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.343
HD Request # 654 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
Added historical Intraday data request for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
HD Request # 654 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
HD Request # 654 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401

HD Request # 655 | Downloading Intraday chart data for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD to the file M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD.scid. Service: cme | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.401
HD Request # 655 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:07:11.000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.402
HD Request # 655 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.465
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.465
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.465
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.643
Loaded depth data records for RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 01:52:46. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.931
RTY-202003-GLOBEX-USD [CB][M] 0.1 Range #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.933
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:23.966
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:57 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.011
HD Request # 655 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.030
HD Request # 655 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.030
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:55 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.112
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:13:17. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.151
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-21 12:06:53 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.180
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 06:01:11 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.196
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 22:18:23 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.397
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.493
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-19 from 2020-02-19 21:26:57 to 2020-02-20 00:59:16. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.533
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.558
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-20 from 2020-02-20 11:28:55 to 2020-02-20 22:55:47. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.619
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-21 from 2020-02-21 12:06:53 to 2020-02-22 03:55:12. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.679
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-23 from 2020-02-24 07:00:00 to 2020-02-24 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.710
HD Request # 655 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-26 02:07:11. Record interval: 0. Symbol: M6BH20 | 2020-02-26 02:16:24.776
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 01:36:00. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.096
GC-202004-NYMEX[M] 0.1 Range #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.099
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-24 from 2020-02-24 08:00:00 to 2020-02-25 07:59:59. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.116
Loaded depth data records for GC-202004-NYMEX 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 01:36:00. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.574
GC-202004-NYMEX[M] 0.1 Range #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.594
HD Request # 655 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.801
HD Request # 655 | Receiving Intraday data for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD starting at 2020-02-26 02:07:11 | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.801
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.802
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.802
Loaded depth data records for MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:13:17. | 2020-02-26 02:16:25.901
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.017
HD Request # 655 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-26 02:08:30 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.018
HD Request # 655 | Received 4 records from 2020-02-26 02:07:11.000 to 2020-02-26 02:13:13.000 (6.0 minutes) and wrote 3 records for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.018
HD Request # 655 | Completion time: 3s | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028
HD Request # 655 | Intraday data download complete for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD. Unique request ID: 325 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028
Removing historical data download ID 325. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028
Intraday chart data file opened for M6B-202003-GLOBEX-USD | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028
HD Request # 655 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.028

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.058
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] 0.25 Range #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.191
HD Request # 656 | Downloading Intraday chart data for GC-202004-NYMEX to the file GC-202004-NYMEX.scid. Service: comex | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.610
HD Request # 656 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:36:01.000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.611
HD Request # 656 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.611
Socket (6) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.611
Socket (6) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.611
MES-202003-GLOBEX-USD[M] #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.612
Loaded depth data records for MNQ-202003-GLOBEX-USD 2020-02-25 from 2020-02-25 08:00:00 to 2020-02-26 02:03:58. | 2020-02-26 02:16:26.695
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-26 02:16:28.458
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:16:28.458
Socket (6) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.598
Socket (6) | Closed. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.598
HD Request # 656 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for GC-202004-NYMEX. Timeout error connecting to server. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
Added historical Intraday data request for GC-202004-NYMEX to the queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
HD Request # 656 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for GC-202004-NYMEX | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
HD Request # 656 | Completion time: 20s | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600

HD Request # 657 | Downloading Intraday chart data for GC-202004-NYMEX to the file GC-202004-NYMEX.scid. Service: comex | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
HD Request # 657 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-26 01:36:01.000 | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.600
HD Request # 657 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.601
Socket (6) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.601
Socket (6) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-26 02:16:46.601
HD Request # 657 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-26 02:16:47.211
HD Request # 657 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-26 02:16:47.211