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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:00:29 +0000

Post From: Cumulative last size in total volume - without total vol numbers

[2020-02-24 16:40:52]
User495158 - Posts: 108
Ok, let me try to explain.

I'm using multiple DOMs without any charts. I'm looking for a clean and efficient setup, without any unnecessary columns or studies.

On more volatile days, prices will swipe up and down a DOM very fast and it is easy to get lost and forget where the contract was trading. Without a fixed reference point you have to memorize where the contract was trading and do that for multiple contracts. That is not easy.

To make my life simpler, it would be nice to see "traded" vs. "non traded" prices on DOM. But that is not yet implemented.

So, the next best thing would be to use total volume as a reference of traded prices. I'm not actually interested in total volume per se, but just need volume bars as a reference of traded prices.

Since I have to use cumulative last size, I was thinking of combining it with total volume column (as you have nicely implemented). But in that case the volume numbers in the volume column are making it more difificult to see the cumulative last size numbers because of overlap.

I hope this makes sense. I have included a graphic to show what I mean.

So, I need to see cumulative last size and volume bars, but without volume numbers.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-24 16:48:25
imagevol bars_dom.png / V - Attached On 2020-02-24 16:29:12 UTC - Size: 23.23 KB - 307 views