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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 18:47:28 +0000

Post From: Wrong order size and multiple entries in the Replay

[2020-02-04 02:29:36]
sourdubber - Posts: 52
Even stranger phenomenon is occurring today. When a buy or sell condition is met, an arrow would normally show on the chart and the trade is executed at the next bar's open. But I see a trade made where the arrow is not visible. In the attached pic, you can clearly see the red horizontal line indicating that a short trade was entered, but there is no indication of an arrow or the price of entry. Also the trade size is for 2 lots, whereas it should be 1 lot.
imagesierra.jpg / V - Attached On 2020-02-04 02:29:30 UTC - Size: 108.56 KB - 256 views