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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:45:25 +0000

Post From: Sim problem: Simulated order accepted but market order does not fill

[2020-01-27 06:26:47]
uM8137 - Posts: 183
> The way that we test this is that we submit an order through a sub instance of Sierra Chart started with File >>New Instance. The main instance is set to Trade Simulation Mode.
> We submitted a market order for this symbol, and it filled.

When I try that, with the main instance in Sim and the

a) sub in sim: sending a market order never hits the Trader Orders window of main;

b) sub in live trading: message log message appears saying it isn't allowed to send from a live account.
"SC Futures Order Routing/Data order update (Order reject). Info: Non-simulated Trade Account (my number) cannot be used with Trade Simulation Mode. Internal Order ID: 9. Service Order ID: (none) ..."

Not sure how you succeeded in getting a fill through.

I checked the DTS->SC Server Settings->Enable JSON logging, but I can't find any logs. Where would they be?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-01-27 06:40:20