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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 20:06:36 +0000

Post From: Announcement Regarding Gain Capital

[2020-01-21 07:31:46]
User879838 - Posts: 32
Sorry sierra but i am very sorry to hear your way of handelling this issue
its like saying do as we want or no other way
i have been data feeding sierra with gain feed for decades with no problem untill yesturday
make no sense that what worked until now can't work anymore
you have to understand that most humans don't like changes and even more when they have to pay more because of that changes
as much i like sieera there are other platforms as good with no problem using what ever feeds the customers wants
no gain, no rythmic, no cqg only sierra feed ... that don't sound good.

checked today still same problem as yesturday with gain feed
very sorry to see that
since sierra is a software platform among others it should make adjustments needed to answer theire clients without sounding like a "Dictator" -- its only our way or no way.
people are used to feeds no reason to enforce them to change

hope you understand with no hurt feelings
wish you the best,
a devoted sierra user