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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 13:57:27 +0000

Post From: SC crashes

[2020-01-19 19:45:52]
User241559 - Posts: 5
I don't know who Matt is but the option "Use OpenGL for Chart Graphics" is not activated.

New development after updating to 2036:
Attach/Detach will not crash SC, but
"Trade Positions" and "Account Balances" are populated when I open this two windows.
Attach/Detach will delete the numbers of "Account Balances" (always).
Re-Opening the window will not, a restart of SC will bring the numbers back.
The same thing happens with the window "Trade Positions" but only then, when I Attach/Detach it first.
If I Attach/Detach "Trade Positions" after I Attach/Detach "Account Balances", the numbers will stay. Actually I tested it now several times in different orders and I lost track because it is different when both windows are open already with the start of SC.
So the conclusion is that the window "Account Balances" will always lose its numbers when "Attach/Detach" and the window "Trade Positions" will lose its numbers only sometimes.

Messagelogs of two different situations are attached.
Attachment Deleted.
Private File
Private File