Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:52:28 +0000
Post From: Win 10 performance noticably slower than win 7
[2020-01-10 02:12:28] |
User735389 - Posts: 189 |
I'm the OP. I ran into these performance issues before the spectre mess (although thats a good point, those migiationg could defintately have slowed things down even more). ive been messing with this w7/w10 thing for a few years now. I created a seperate thread somewhere about multiple monitors possibly being a factor (if the montiors/apps are running at different scaling %, the w10 scaling algos eats up cpu resources). I finally gave in to using w10, its too much of a pain to get things working on win 7 with new laptops. Had to really optimize all my studies and extend the ms per update to where its good enough and not maxing out the cpu. w7 is faster than w10 by about 1.5-3x on the base level. Practically, most users shouldn't be affected by this (maybe except consuming more battery on laptops). If you really need to max out speed and performance because you're trying to steal ticks, you'll have to go w7.