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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 05:53:39 +0000

Post From: VisualCCompile.Bat calls vcvarsall.bat not installed

[2019-12-30 04:51:08]
HinckleyBob - Posts: 45
User701453, your experience aroused my curiosity. So I copied the same study from Studies2.cpp, and added
#include "SCStudyFunctions.h"
under the #include "sierrachart.h."

Then I added the SC Data directory to the Symbol file (.pdb) location in the IDE Debug>Options>Debugging>Symbols dialog, and loaded the symbols.

I then compiled using the SC Analysis>build>Build with C++ Debug, attached the process in the IDE, and set a breakpoint at the return in set defaults code block. Then added the study to the chart (which required continuing the debug 2x).

There is more going on here that I don't begin to understand, but at least it did seem to compile and run with the debugger as described in the SC instructions. At least I was able to set a watch on the SmoothingLength object.

That is as far as I went but seems to work as I expected. A couple of screenshots are attached.

This is a learning experience for me after reinstalling the compiler. But I hope my experience can help figure out why all those errors are happening. Thank you again for the discussion.
attachmentDebug Options Dialog.pdf - Attached On 2019-12-30 04:48:22 UTC - Size: 90.39 KB - 438 views
attachmentIDE.pdf - Attached On 2019-12-30 04:48:33 UTC - Size: 333.81 KB - 603 views